Professor Ken Ife
London Enterprise Ambassador, is driven by purpose and passion in pursuit of excellence in enterprise development & economic inclusion
He is well known across National & International TV Networks as Macro-economic and Public Policy Analyst and a regular Speaker in National & International Conferences including Chair of annual G20 Infrastructure Conference for Africa in London.
His broad inter-disciplinary education in Industrial Sciences, Mineral Engineering, Management and Law found expressions in his various roles with multi-lateral institutions such as ECOWAS, Africa Union, EU, World Bank, UK-DFID, NEPAD, GIZ, FAO/UNECA, UNDP etc. He developed ECOWAS Private Sector Dev & MSME Strategies; Nigeria Trade Policy & Facilitation Programmes; PPP & Agribiz; Customs AEO Mechanism in Lagos-Abidjan transit corridor; Review of GIZ Trade Programme.
Earlier in London (1986-95), he was leading entrepreneur in Inner-city regeneration, and co-invested millions of pounds with UK Govt to establish over 20 IT training centers’ across London to train about 200,000 unemployed people. In 1995 -2005, he extended his activities to EU Enterprise Dev. & Business Support.
He served UK Govts as Board Member in:
Home Office Community Dev. Foundation.
London Food Commission
London Dev Agency (LDA) – Business & Education Advisory Group
LDA BME Advisory Group
London Mayor’s Advisory Group(Public Procurement)
Govt. Board, Business Link
Vice Chair, Haringey City Growth Strategy
Advisory Board, University of London, Anyaoku Professorial Chair
North London Enterprise Club
African-Carib. Business Network
Community Business, Enfield
Enfield Leisure Centres Trust
Chair, Edmonton, EU Pathway Community Regeneration
He served Nigeria Govt as:
DFID Trade Adviser
Presidential Task Force on Export of Fresh Fruits & Vegetables
Inter Ministerial Committee on Trade Facilitation
NEPAD Presidency on Climate Smart Agriculture